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Yongyang Special Steel Group won the first charity award in Hebei

Dec. 30, 2022 Share:


发布时间:2022/11/4 16:31:33

根据《河北省民政厅 河北省人力资源社会保障厅关于组织开展首届“河北慈善奖”评选表彰活动的通知》(冀民〔2022〕33号)和《河北省民政厅 河北省人力资源和社会保障厅关于印发〈“河北慈善奖”评选表彰办法(试行)〉的通知》(冀民〔2022〕36号)等文件要求,经过广泛动员、各地推荐、初步审核等环节层层筛选,现拟向首届“河北慈善奖”评选委员会推荐河北永洋特钢集团有限公司为捐赠企业奖推荐对象。

主要事迹:河北永洋特钢集团有限公司,位于河北省邯郸市永合会镇娄里村,永洋公司坚持办一家企业,富一方百姓的理念,积极投身公益慈善事业,在捐资助教,国防建设,抗震救灾,疫情防控、乡村振兴等各项工作都积极发挥示范带动作用。2018年1月至2022年6月累计捐赠总额1.6余亿元,企业志愿服务2560人次, 志愿服务时间6750小时。

 Yongyang Special Steel Group won the first charity award in Hebei

Release time: 16:31:33, November 4, 2022

According to the Notice of the Department of Civil Affairs of Hebei Province, the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hebei Province, on Organizing the Selection and Commendation of the First "Hebei Charity Award" (Jimin [2022] No. 33) and the Notice of the Department of Civil Affairs of Hebei Province, the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hebei Province, on Printing and Distributing the "Hebei Charity Award" Selection and Commendation Measures (Trial) "(Jimin [2022] No. 36) The preliminary review and other links are selected layer by layer, and now it is proposed to recommend Hebei Yongyang Special Steel Group Co., Ltd. to the first "Hebei Charity Award" Selection Committee as the recommended object of the donation enterprise award.

Main deeds: Hebei Yongyang Special Steel Group Co., Ltd. is located in Louli Village, Yonghehui Town, Handan City, Hebei Province. Yongyang insists on the idea of running an enterprise and enriching the local people. It actively engages in public welfare and philanthropy, and plays an exemplary and leading role in donating funds for teaching, national defense construction, earthquake relief, epidemic prevention and control, rural revitalization and other work. From January 2018 to June 2022, the total amount of donations was more than 160 million yuan. 2560 people


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